Frankston Pain Management is located in a renovated specialist medical centre near Frankston Hospital.
Ample free car parking is available on-site. The car park is on level ground with easy flat access to the clinic. There is no uneven ground between parking and the clinic. We are wheelchair accessible.
The medical precinct is served by regular buses. If you are coming to your appointment via public transport, we recommend the use of a Trip Planner so you can determine your individual best route plus alternatives.
Plan your trip via public transport
No prescriptions will be filled after hours or during the weekend. If medications are needed urgently, please call your GP.
If there is an emergency after hours or on the weekend, please go to your local GP or the nearest Hospital Emergency Department.
To help us improve our service we would be grateful if you would take a few minutes to fill in this feedback form.
As a practice, Frankston Pain Management is committed to a safe working environment for our staff and visitors.
If at any time, a patient does not show mutual respect to each other and/or staff, they may be asked to leave the clinic.
If there is an incident that is deemed to be aggressive in nature or not tolerable behaviour, our policy is to request that the patient not return to the clinic for treatment or consultation.
If you’ve had enough of trying to fight pain on your own, let us help. For all appointments and enquiries contact us on:
Mon to Fri
- 9:00am to 5:00pm
Telephone Contact hours
Mon to Fri
- 9:00am - 3:00pm